
One can choose to use the Python package, or only the C++ core. The C++ core is handy for maximizing the execution speed of your experiments, while the Python package may lower development time and offers more functionality. Installation instructions are provided for both scenarios.

Python package#

Prospr offers support for Python 3.9 and newer. However, using the latest Python version is always recommended. The instructions below assume that a new project will be set up.

Virtual environments#

It is recommended to use a new virtual environment for each Python project. An easy way to setup a new virtual environment is via the venv module that comes with Python 3. After creation, one must activate the virtual environment before installing any packages. Examples for Linux/MacOS and Windows are given below.

For Linux/MacOS:

$ python3 -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate

For Windows:

> py -3 -m venv venv
> venv/Scripts/activate

Installing Prospr (Python)#

After activating the environment, use pip to install Prospr:

$ pip install prospr

Congratulations! Prospr is now installed. Check out the Quickstart to see how to use the basics, or read the API Reference for all functionality.

C++ core#

Using the C++ core for your project is very easy. Follow the installation steps below and include the header files you want to use in your code.

Installing Prospr (C++)#

Using the C++ core is very easy. Download a prospr_core archive from the archives folder on GitHub, then drag the source files to your code directory. Add the files to your Makefile in order to compile the Prospr files with your project. No additional libraries need to be linked during compile time.

Congratulations! Prospr is now installed. Check out the Quickstart to see how to use the basics, or read the API Reference for all functionality.